Tasting: Franzia Merlot

  • Franzia
  • Merlot
  • California
  • Vintage: Unavailable
  • Price: $13.99 Norman Discount Liquor
  • "A pleasing dry red wine with blackberry and raspberry aromas. Serve at room temperature. Complements pork, grilled meats and sauced pastas." -Franzia Merlot 
  • I was actually inspired to give Franzia another chance because of this course. When I tried one of Franzia's white wines about a year ago (not sure which variety), I found it so disgusting I poured it down the drain. Although I'm pretty sure Professor Boyer dissed Franzia in one of his video, I was motivated to buy a Franzia for several reasons. 1. Boyer's discussion of the advantages of a boxed, spout pour wine 2. Boyer's discussion about not being a snob. A good tasting wine can come from anywhere and 3. Franzia is so cheap. 
  • So I tried Franzia's Merlot because I had tried a Merlot earlier this semetsre and was surprised by how much I liked it. It was extremely sweet for what I think of a merlot as being. It was thin and light bodied. However, it wasn't necessarily bad. Definitely not so bad that I didn't enjoy it. I don't know if I would recommend it to anyone unless they asked what the cheapest merlot was for a large quantity.  It reminded me of Capri Sun. Sweet, hints of fruits like strawberry, cherry, and grape, but not one necessarily standing out. Great for so cheap, but wouldn't ever want to drink it over any good wine. 


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