Tasting: Cabernet Sauvignon

Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon
Source: Honest Wine Reviews

  • Cabernet Savignon
  • California
  • USA
  • Year: N/A
  • $7.50
  • Online Review: "I think Al best described the taste experience of this wine in one sentence.  He said it was a “three part experience that started buttery, then moved to currant and finished oaky.” Additionally I noticed flavors of ripe raspberry and much less of the oak. When we were tasting this wine, I wrote down the word “buttery” about one second before Al said it.  That really spoke to predominance of the “butteryness” of this wine, which I found to be a little unusual for a Cabernet.  But, it worked for this wine." (This is merely an excerpt. For the full review go to Honest Wine Reviews' site)
  • My review: This was my first time trying a Cabernet Sauvignon. I was inspired to try after hearing the professor rave about it so much in videos! So while I was in Dallas for the OU/Texas game, I picked up this Barefoot brand from the 7-Eleven (which is amazing since we can't buy wine from anywhere but liquor stores in Oklahoma). When sniffing the wine, I got a strong smell of oakiness which made me think it was going to be extremely tannic. However, the wine had a vanilla oakiness, which was great as this was the first wine I've had where I could really point out the oakiness and vanilla. This seemed to me to have a large body, it felt heavy going down, full of flavor. With this oakiness, it was also very sweet. My friend who hates red wines tried and actually enjoyed it. I look forward to learning if this is the norm for Cabernet Sauvignons or if they are typically less sweet. 


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