Dinner: Land Run

This wine adventure is once again featuring my best friend and cousin, Sarah! For this experience we went to Land Run Grill and Wine Bar just around the corner from my apartment. I was tired from a long day. I am a dance teacher and my students had their Christmas recital that day and afterwards I had gone out for dinner with the teachers. So let's just say when it cam time for this late dinner, I was pretty exhausted, but I was excited for the last wine assignment opportunity. The wine pairing aspect of this assignment was a little wonky. We had a bartender who definitely knew next to nothing about pairing wines, but wanted it to seem like he was an expert. Though I could tell he didn't know much, he pressured me into hurrying and deciding and I wasn't sure why. After observing him further, I realized it was because he was trying to watch the Seahawks football game and we were a distraction. His name was Connor. Not my favorite guy I've met on my wine...